The Friends of St Michael's, Discoed are sad to announce the death of our President, Edward Storey on the 18th of November 2018 after a short illness.

Ever since Edward arrived in Discoed from the Fens he threw himself into the life of the community and into supporting St Michael's church. As our President he spread his enthusiasm for the Friends far and wide. He was the keeper of the spirit of the church...only the best would do! Our leader on all matters literary, he was our Bard and he was the Chronicler of all our activities and published 4 books of poems inspired by St Michael's. He will be sorely missed by us all.

Change of Address by Edward Storey

I have chosen to lie

where twelve moons a year

will constantly look down on me

between the yew tree and the spire,

where, in the morning, it won’t be long

before the new day sun is seen

stealthily creeping into the churchyard

like a boy climbing an orchard wall

to pick an apple just about to fall.

Here, neighbours have no need

to pass the time of day -

their peace, like their beds,

has always been made under the sky

where it's comforting to know

it will always be so.
